The Parents’ Association Committee (PAC) will comprise of a Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Communications Co-ordinator, Events Co-ordinator, Charity Co-ordinator and New Family Liaison Co- ordinator who will be parents of children currently at The Hampshire School Chelsea.
Role and Responsibilities of Committee Members
- The Chair is the main point of contact between the PAC and the school’s Senior Leadership Team
- Sets the agenda of meetings with the school and CRs
- Agrees dates for events with the school in consultation with the Head
- Agrees a timeline of events with the school and the PAC
- Ensures that meetings of the PAC are quorate – three Committee members will constitute a quorum at Committee meetings
- Supports and deputises for the Chair, as required
- Takes minutes of all meetings
- Has the minutes ratified by the PAC
- Provides the Head with an electronic copy of the approved minutes
- Plans the yearly budget forecast during the first two weeks of the school academic year
- Has the budget forecast approved by the school/PAC
- Monitors the spending versus forecast
- Records every transaction on the Parents Association account
- Records all invoices/receipts
- Makes payments to venues/vendors on time
- Checks the bank statements regularly
- Manages receipts
- Organises floats for events
- Coordinates with CRs money collection for school related gifts
Charities Coordinator
- Interacts with the chosen charities and the Senior Leadership Team (SLT) of the school regarding attendance at school assemblies and events to ensure compliance with the visiting speaker protocol
- Liaises with the Treasurer regarding collection and awarding of donations to charities
Events Coordinator
- Sources venues that fit the requirements for the event(s) and budget(s)
- Negotiates with venues regarding cost(s)
- Liaises with venue regarding management of the event
- Responsible for the organisation of events with the support of PAC members
Communication Coordinator
- Submits PAC and Parents’ Association information to the Head’s EA for inclusion in the weekly ‘Need to know’ bulletin to parents, as required
- Submits Parents’ Association news items to the marketing department of the school for inclusion in the fortnightly newsletter
- Uses the Classlist app for communications with parents
New Family Liaison
- Liaises with the Admissions Registrar at the school to connect new parents with the Parents’ Association and Class Representative, and distributes the Parents’ Association Welcome Pack
- Inform parents of the availability of second-hand uniform
General responsibilities of PAC members
In order to achieve its purpose and objectives, the PAC will undertake the following:
- meet with the CRs at the beginning of each term to set the term’s programme of events, and to hear and discuss their ideas regarding social events for the parent community;
- will initiate social events, benefiting both parents and children. These events will be organised with the help and support of CRs and volunteers;
- will organise, with the help and support of CRs and volunteers, the second-hand uniform sales. All profits will be used by the PAC to fund the social events, special projects and donations to charities;
- manage, follow-up and host all Parents’ Association events;
- in consultation with the school and school Facilities Manager, set-up and tidy after all events;
- attend meetings with the SLT according to the meetings schedule agreed between the Head and the Chair.
Nominations Procedure for Membership of the PAC
I. Nominations for the PAC shall be proposed and seconded by a member of the Parents’ Association (any parent of a child currently at The Hampshire School Chelsea) and may be made at any time prior to the commencement of the AGM. Nominations for the PAC must be submitted to the Head before the AGM. The nominated person must write to the Head with an expression of interest in becoming a member of the PAC one week before the AGM with clear deadlines regarding the dedicated voting period. Expressions of interest should include reference to areas of particular expertise, for example, financial acumen may be an advantage for the role of Treasurer.
II. The names names of candidates will be shared with the parent body.
III. The Parents’ Association (i.e. all parents whose children attend the school) will be invited to vote for the candidates during the dedicated period.
IV. The PAC shall be elected at the AGM and shall serve until the commencement of the next Annual General Meeting (AGM).
V. Nominations may be received from a parent who has been a Class Representatives (CR) for at least one year and / or has demonstrated active participation at Parent Association organised events in the previous academic year.
VI. Current members of the PAC have to present their candidacy every year in line with the nominations procedure detailed above.
VII. Candidates will be approved by the Head of The Hampshire School Chelsea.
VIII. Once elected, decisions regarding the roles and responsibilities (i.e. Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Communications Co-ordinator, Events Co-ordinator, Charity Co- ordinator, New Parent Liaison Co-ordinator) will be allocated according to the skills set of the members of the PAC.
IX. The Chair will serve one period of one year in the role and will be elected by the PAC members. A Chair may continue to be a member of the PAC but cannot be re-elected to the position of Chair.
- The parent must be willing to dedicate the time to contribute recommendations to help achieve the objectives of the PAC.
- The parent must be able to attend meetings and actively participate in the organisation of events; if a member does not attend three consecutive Committee meetings, without good reason, he/she will be deemed to have resigned from the Committee. He/she may return to the Committee following consultation with the Head and Chair.
- The parent must agree to sign a Confidentiality Agreement regarding all discussions pertaining to the PAC and a Data Protection Agreement.
- The names of the PAC will be listed on the parent portal area of the school website.
Annual General Meeting (AGM) & Special General Meetings
- The AGM, which is open to all members, will be held in January each year and will be advertised through the School’s usual means of communication – currently the weekly bulletin of ‘Need to Knows’ which are published to the parent body.
- At the AGM, the meeting will be taken by the Chair or, in his/her absence, the Vice-Chair or, in his/her absence, another member of the Committee nominated by the members present.
Resignations from the PAC and Replacements
Becoming a PAC member is a commitment for at least a whole calendar year. However, there may be circumstances in which a member wishes to resign before the year end. In such a case, the following rules will apply:
- the PAC member gives at least one month’s written notice
- upon resignation the PAC member will respect and adhere to the PAC Confidentiality Agreement and Data Protection Agreement
- the nominations procedure will be followed with submission of expressions of interest to the Head.